When I was thrust into being the mother of 3 children when my oldest was 22 months old and my twin boys were born, I discovered something. It is really difficult to shop with more than one kid. At that time, I learned that Kroger had those cute little baskets with the cars attached in the front, but what was a bigger deal to me was that those baskets also held two kids in the top where they can also sit. I could put all 3 of my kids in the same basket and get all of my shopping done without (too) much of a hassle! And a loyal Kroger customer was born.
After my initially being drawn to Kroger because it was a convenient and easier trip for me, I also learned that I could save the most money there. They have the best store brands in my opinion and we frequently buy them for our household. We love the Private Selection line of organic and sometimes gourmet foods. It fits our needs for delicious food on a tight budget. We also LOVE the Comforts line of baby products. It is expensive to have one baby. For us, our oldest was not yet 2 when our twins were born. If you think about that, THAT it a TON of diapers. We started buying comfort brand diapers after our boys were born and have been using them every since (our daughter is now 4 and potty trained, but our boys are 2 and still using them.) We had tried pretty much every store brand of diapers and we thought over all Comforts worked the best at not leaking, especially overnight. They also have great wipes. All of our kids have sensitive skin, so we use unscented or sensitive skin baby wipes. I think Comforts baby wipes are comparable to the leading brands! Why spend on all of that money when you can get the same thing for so much less?
I will admit I had not tried Comforts sippy cups, but I was lucky enough to get in the Comforts campaign over at
Bzzagent and was very excited to see new cups included in the bzzkit. I will say my boys really seem to love these cups and I love that they have a cover for the lid, that is great for when we need to go somewhere so I don't have to worry about the cups leaking.
I would say if you haven't given Comforts brand a try, you should. These are good quality products at a fraction of the price. I have not yet tried a product from this line that didn't replace something we used previously. I highly recommend Comforts (and Kroger!) I have several 20% off of one package of diapers, training pants or baby wipes. I would be happy to give you one, so you can give this great line a try! Coupons given on a first come, first served basis.